Richard Stöhr loved to have his photograph taken, individually and in groups. Of the thousands of photographs that he kept to the end of his life, we offer a handful to give his life a visual dimension.

Samuel and Mathilde Stern (Richard’s parents), ca. 1863
In addition to this photograph, beautifully painted portraits of Mathilde and Samuel Stern were made by the well-known portrait artist Anton Romako. By kind permission of the Belvedere Museum Vienna we are able to provide this link to the Belvedere Digital Library’s image of the portrait of Mathilde:
The companion portrait of Samuel Stern painted by Romako can be viewed from this link:
For more information about the Belvedere Museum, please visit their website at:

Heinrich Porges, Mathilde’s brother and close associate of Richard Wagner.

Richard Wagner, photograph that he gave to Samuel and Mathilde Stern when visiting their home.

Richard Stern, age 5

Richard Stern, date unknown.

Richard Stern, age 24,
medical student at the University of Vienna in 1896.

Richard Stöhr early 1900’s, student at the Vienna Academy of Music.

Robert Fuchs
Stöhr’s (and Mahler’s) composition teacher.

Circa 1905

Circa 1910

Circa 1915, while serving as a doctor in the Austrian Army.

Richard Stöhr hiking in Hoher Dachstein, Styria Province ca. 1919.

Richard (seated, fourth from left) and Marie (back row left) at a party during World War I.

Another party photograph from December 1929.
Dozens of photographs of Stöhr with his classes still exist, mostly taken in Austria, both formal and informal. Here are just a few.

Richard Stöhr class photograph, Vienna Academy of Music, late 1920’s?

Harmonielehre class, Vienna Academy of Music, March 1937.

Stöhr with summer school students at Ötz, 1936.

Stöhr with summer school students at Ötz, 1937.

Stoehr was guest lecturer at Howard University, Washington DC in 1945.

Richard Stöhr at the piano in his music salon, ca. 1925.

Circa 1930

Circa 1930

Circa 1938
Richard Stoehr taught at the Curtis Institute at the personal invitation of Mrs. Mary Bok Curtis from 1939-1941. This class photo was taken during those years (Leonard Bernstein standing in the last row, left). Many thanks to Kristina Wilson, Archivist at the Curtis Institute, for identifying Bernstein’s classmates in this photo. Class members are listed below the photo.

Class photo from the Curtis Institute, Stoehr last row center, Leonard Bernstein last row left.
Front row from left: Veda Reynolds (Violin ’42), Virginia Parker (Piano ’42), True Chappell (Cello ’41)
Second row from left: Phyllis Moss (?) (Piano ’41), Leo Gomberg (Trumpet ’41), Florence Caplan (?) (Piano ’41), Jane Tyre (Double Bass ’42)
Third row from left: Noah Bielski (Violin ’40), Hershy Kay (Cello ’40), Benjamin Altman (Violin ’43), Eleanor Mitchell (?) (Flute ’42)
Fourth row from left: Robert Cornman (Piano ’41), Reba Robinson (Harp ’49), Waldemar Dabrowski (Accompanying ’41), Annette Elkanova (Piano ’41), Richard Purvis (?) (Organ ’40)
Back row from left: Leonard Bernstein (Conducting ’41), Leo Luskin (Accompanying ’41), Unknown, Dr. Richard Stoehr, John Simms (Piano ’47), Harry Safstrom (?) (Double Bass ’40), Irvin Duer (Percussion ’42)
Stoehr spent his first Christmas in the US visiting former students in Detroit, where he met the mayor of that city.

Richard Stoehr with the outgoing mayor of Detroit Richard Reading (right), December 1939.
Richard Stoehr came to Saint Michael’s College in the spring of 1941. He taught there until 1950 and continued to live there into the mid 1950’s.

Prevel Hall on the campus of Saint Michael’s College. Stoehr lived for many years in a single room behind the dark French doors on the ground floor.

Prevel Hall in June 2012. Stoehr’s old room is now an office.

Richard Stoehr in his room in Prevel Hall, 23 June 1942.

Richard Stoehr outside Prevel Hall after a concert, 24 July 1949. Photo by Wilhelm Raab.

- Stoehr in his room in Prevel Hall, 1950’s. Photo by Wilhelm Raab.

Richard Jr, Marie, Richard and Hedi (with two of her children), 1954 or 55.


Richard and Marie’s gravesite, Colchester VT, June 2012.

Plaque on the site of the Stöhr home, 14 Karolinengasse, Vienna.

Stefan Koch, Hedi Stoehr Ballantyne, Bärli Nugent (daughter of one of Stöhr’s students) and Robert Conway at a September 2014 performance of Stöhr’s cello and piano music in Vermont.
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